
The Ultimate Guide To Build Your Own Adjustable Standing Desk

By Igor Ermakov March 11, 2021 No Comments 5 Min Read

After months of home office from the same sitting position, how are you feeling now? Well? Not well? So-so? Ask this question to my posture. Within just three months of a home office, the result of long-term sitting work was being seen.

But now! Now I have something amazing to deal with the issue. A height-adjustable desk!
Sounds costly or a burden to your pocket? With your existing table and monitor ARM you can build your own adjustable standing desk! Lets' do it!

Height Adjustable Desk: What Is it?

Height Adjustable Desk: What Is it?

Choosing one exact position for long-term office hours- that can be dangerous for health. Here, comes the height-adjustable desk to solve your headache. With it, you can 'sit and work' as well as 'stand and work' whenever you want.

Why Is Height Adjustable Desk Required?

If you are an active person and you have to do lots of desk tasks in a day, then you can't deny the advantage of a height-adjustable desk. It protects your ankles, spine and overall keeps you healthy and fit.

However, these desks ultimately improve your mood & help to improve productivity.

How Height Adjustable Desk Benefits Physical Health?

How Height Adjustable Desk Benefits Physical Health

  • In multiple ways, a height-adjustable desk ensures better health.
  • It generally decreases back pain. If you are a service holder and have to spend more time in the office then it will be a great choice for you.
  • Promotes better mental health. Studies show that using different types of working posture keeps employees out of anxiety and depression.
  • Increases productivity. Height adjustable desks boost better mood and thus, boost productivity too.
  • Keeps a person fit. Of course, sitting all the time will develop some unwanted body weight. Height adjustable desks help to burn the calorie and be fit.
  • Lessens cardiovascular diseases and blood sugar. Sitting all the time increases cardiovascular diseases by 147% and that can be minimized by height-adjustable desks.
See also  The Ultimate Guide To Setting Up A Standing Desk

How To Build Your Own Height Adjustable Desk | Step By Step Guideline

Are you worried that building a DIY: Height Adjustable Desk will only cost you money and may not result in something good ultimately?

Yes, of course, that can happen. But, if you are with me, you will never fail to amaze yourself with this DIY. All you need are here:

  • A table
  • A monitor ARM
  • A suitable Stand

Voila! You are all ready to go ahead.

First step: Collect & Figure Out the Ingredients | Planning Stage

Under this process, you have to collect all the materials that you are going to use in your adjustable desk. Table, ARM, stand, monitor, mouse, charger - everything should be in perfect length and height. Consider the plugging system while gathering all the other things too. Otherwise, ensuring proper charging to your device would be an extra pain.

Second step: Assembly Stage: Fix the Monitor ARM

Now, put a little desk on the big working desk. You can use the monitor ARM for more adjustability too. Do you confuse about the quality and want to find the best quality Monitor ARMs? Then we have a solution for this. You can
buy some awesome monitor ARM from the following source.

Now, you have to keep in mind that, the height of the monitor should be in a perfect position from where your neck won't feel any pain to look at the monitor.

Third Step: Fix the Stand Now

Keyboard and mouse stand

Now the third and one of the most important things is to consider for an adjustable desk is a suitable stand. You can make it yourself and the wood is the cheapest way to go. You can go for some glass stand too.

But if you don't need to put more effort into this section then you can go for some commercial & affordable stand.

Fourth Step: Final Setup

Increase monitor height with Monitor arm

The ideal way to the setup of the desk is to put the monitor higher. It will surely prevent neck pain as well as visibility.

Maintain the lowest position of the ARM and for that use a wooden block between the ARM bases.

Build your own adjustable standing desk: Standing raiser on the desk

Now the last and final stage is the setup of the desk.

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It will be a solid choice if you pick the quality ARM rather than thinking to save some money by buying a cheap one.

So, you are all set now. Here is your standing table, here is your height adjustable desk, and here is your monitor. Stand and work!

So, here you go!


How long can I stand on my standing desk per day?

Sitting on your chair for a whole day can cause health problems. Health researcher says, standing for 15 mins in an hour is awesome for your body. So you can follow this rule.

What’s the perfect height of an adjustable standing desk?

The proper height for an adjustable desk is up to 22-30 inches.

What’s the main drawback if my desk is too high?

Surely it will be an uncomfortable situation if the height is beyond your reach. Try to maintain the standard height otherwise; you can suffer from neck pain.

What type of size do I need to purchase for 2 medium-sized monitors?

If you have two medium-sized monitors then the size of 50" will be perfect for you.

Wrapping Up

In our daily life, we have to deal with lots of desk duties. Due to work lots of time at the desk, we often face some discomforts and pain. Don't you need to avoid this circumstance?

Then you need to buy the standard adjustable desk for your sound health. In this blog, we just represent the benefits and process of making the height adjustable desk. Follow all those steps and create your desire desk.

If you are still not satisfied with the process of building a new height adjustable desk then you can purchase some ready-made height adjustable desk from here:

Written By

Hey, I'm a software engineer and spend a lot of time working on the computer. I'm passionate about computer ergonomics. I truly believe we could improve our health and performance by setting up our workplace properly.

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