
An Expert Reviews 2 lkea Desks Perfect for Small Office Spaces

By Igor Ermakov August 22, 2021 No Comments 4 Min Read

Have you ever gotten analysis paralysis when searching for the perfect desk? There are so many options to choose from that it can feel overwhelming. And as soon as you find the desk you want, you’ll find a negative review that makes you rethink your purchase. We’ve all been there. Purchasing a desk is a big decision.

The desk is not only the central furniture piece in your office space, but it’s also the place you’ll spend the majority of your time. So, it only follows that you’d want to make a well-informed decision about the workspace you’ll spend most of your day using. That’s why we’re reviewing two popular lkea desks that are perfect upgrades to your small office space and definite staples with their modern and sleek design.

Depending on what you’re looking for, each desk has different features that might be preferable. However, both desks contain a similar design that makes them more ideal for computer work than other desks on the market. Henrik Preutz, the ‘Micke’ collection designer, understands how to achieve a simplicity that maintains a modern design and creates a functional workspace. Preutz shared, "My idea with the MICKE series was to simplify everything we do with our computers and mobile phones in today's high-tech world. Like keeping in touch with friends, downloading films and music, working, or printing out tickets. The goal was to create a real dream product with maximum functions in a minimum space."

Whether your office is in a high-tech skyscraper in a major city, or you’ve created a cozy home office in the corner of your bedroom, both of these Micke desks are ideal. The bright white color brightens any room, and the minimalist frame keeps the room feeling open and uncluttered. But which desk will work best for your space? Here’s our review:

The Long lkea Micke Desk

This desk measures 56 x 20 x 29 inches, which provides an extended workspace without the bulky build that other larger desks have. While the desk works well for individual use, it can fit two chairs, making it an excellent workspace for two if space is tight. For personal use, this desk is the ideal option for professionals seeking a workspace surface large enough to contain one or two computer monitors.

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This desk surface is not deep enough to jut out into the room or block off the natural walking path. One thing that’s nice about the design is its finished back. You can place this desk sideways, so only the side faces the wall, and the body of the desk can face the entryway or provide natural sectioning of the room. Because of the finished back, you won’t have to worry about that side of the desk being exposed. All sides of the desk are sleek and finished.

The longer Micke desk has two large drawers that are great for storing office supplies or folders. You can even purchase other matching Micke pieces like filing drawers or table extenders that match the Micke collection and work perfectly in combination with these desks. If you’re seeking a larger surface area, this longer desk will provide that, and any conjoining lkea furniture purchased can enhance this as well.

Both Micke desks possess a unique cord management system perfect for keeping ugly cords hidden away even if your desk is placed in the middle of a room! There is a discreet hole on the right side where cables from computers and monitors can be fed through and put on a hidden shelf under the desk surface. This shelf can hold a power strip or can be used to feed cords to the nearest outlet without dangling across the desk surface. This ensures that your desk surface remains uncluttered and cements the simplistic aesthetic of your office space.

The Short lkea Micke Desk

While many of these features are shared between the two desks, the shorter Micke desk provides many of the same details while taking up much less space. This desk measures 19.7 x 28.75 x 29.5 inches, making it much more compact than the first desk we reviewed. Compared with the former, this desk only contains one drawer and has space for one chair. However, its compact design makes it the perfect desk for a small corner workspace or even tiny office space in a closet.

This desk surface is far less likely to accommodate large computer monitors and is built more for laptop users. However, on either model, the drawer can be converted to a keyboard tray with just a little bit of creativity, which would free up more room on the desk surface.

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The DIY nature of lkea furniture sets this desk apart from the one you might find at the store. Once your order is placed, this desk ships directly to your home and must be assembled on arrival. The desk comes with assembly directions. Though some people do not prefer to build it themselves, it actually provides an excellent opportunity to customize the piece for your own space. Specifically, with these Micke desks, there is one steel leg frame open on the side and another made of a flat wooden board. When assembling the desk, you can choose which side you’d like to remain open based on how you wish to place the desk in the office space.

Customers have loved this smaller desk design for its versatility. Some have used it as a bedroom vanity, and others have said it’s perfect as a kid's craft table. However, this stands out among other small desks because decreasing the size does not necessarily decrease its quality. The functionality of this desk and the modern design are appropriate for even the most professional and high-end office setting as well!

There’s many things to worry about when designing your office space - which desk to choose doesn’t need to be one of them. This lkea desk model is our go-to for all your needs because of its sleek design, all-purpose functionality, and specialized features. Now, all you have to decide is which size will fit perfectly in your space for your specific needs. So, switch out your desk for one of these, and you will transform your office aesthetic instantly!

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Hey, I'm a software engineer and spend a lot of time working on the computer. I'm passionate about computer ergonomics. I truly believe we could improve our health and performance by setting up our workplace properly.

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