
Tech Review: Is Apple Trackpad Ergonomic?

By Igor Ermakov February 2, 2021 No Comments 1 Min Read

You may be surprised that Macbook users rarely use a computer mouse, preferring the built-in touchpad. And this solution has a lot of advantages. But since we review the devices primarily because of ergonomics, the built-in solutions do not interest us. Instead, we are considering external solutions that would work in conjunction with an external keyboard. The question is: is apple trackpad ergonomic? I strongly advise you to look at the external trackpad Apple Trackpad 2.

Undoubtedly, it looks great in the interior. Clicking is mostly done with a touch, which means that you will not be annoyed by clicks on the mouse buttons. There are much less movements of the hands while doing this, than when using the mouse. Movements occur most often because of the fingers. Also, you do not need to make an effort to click.

Ergonomic input device: apple magick trackpadUse of ergonomic input device: apple magick trackpad

You can also easily use both hands (alternately), what will improve your brain activity by using the other hemisphere of the brain. Scrolling pages is very convenient implemented, it works very smoothly. The trackpad supports many different gestures. Due to this, it is very convenient to work with apps and windows.

No mouse can compare in this. Of course you'll have to get used to it, but after two weeks you will no longer want to use the mouse. If I did not convince you, then watch this video.




So, back to our question: is Apple Trackpad Ergonomic? Yes, it is. So if you care about your health - you can definitely use an Apple Magick Trackpad


PS: There is another alternative to a computer mouse. You can use a wacom tablet as a mouse.

PPS: Looking for an ergonomic keyboard? Check this article: Best programming keyboards

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Hey, I'm a software engineer and spend a lot of time working on the computer. I'm passionate about computer ergonomics. I truly believe we could improve our health and performance by setting up our workplace properly.

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